Russian Teachers discuss their thoughts with pictures

\ “Dobro pozhalovat!” David, the conference speaker greeted the teachers and thanked them for attending the Russian teachers’ conference. 

The teachers, sitting around tables, stared at a variety of photos in front of them. As they looked, David asked two questions. 

What card reflects the positive aspects of teaching?

What card reflects the difficult aspects of teaching?

Russian Teachers Soularium

Each teacher picked a card that illustrated their answer, and then the teachers discussed their thoughts with each other. They saw first-hand how easily they could start thought-provoking conversations with their colleagues. 

Next, Valera gave a talk about “The Calling of the Teacher.” She based her content on Mother Theresa’s quote, “Being a pencil in the hand of God.” 

At the end of Valera’s seminar, David challenged the teachers to reflect on the difficulties of being teachers and decide what they learned to help them cope with those difficulties. One teacher said, “I learned many interesting methods of teaching, which I am sure will be useful in life.

Photo Cards Available from Cru

You can find packs of cards similar to the ones teachers used in the above story at 

Perspective Spiritual Conversation CardsA deck of playing cards, these images address the issue of worldview, turning this evangelism obstacle into an open door for the gospel. 

SoulariumBecause images connect deeply with our emotions, they enable us to engage in meaningful conversations about life and God. With Soularium you’ll discover just how easy and enjoyable it is to come alongside someone on their journey.

Conversation Art Cardson the front of each card is a work of art that explores a crucial aspect of life and what it means to be human – love, parents, home, tradition, music, compassion. On the back of the card, you’ll find thought-provoking questions to start conversations that eventually lead to God.

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