8 Ways teachers change the world

Teachers – you are some of the most influential people in the world. Why? 

Teachers are some of the most influential people in the world.

  1. Teachers impact the lives of thousands of students! Did you know? The average teacher impacts 3,000+ students during her career! 
  2. Teachers are directly responsible for academic success of their pupils. Teachers, more than any other part of the education system, have the largest influence on their students’ success. 
  3. Teachers inspire young people to overcome obstacles. Many children face obstacles of varying kinds. Sometimes they struggle with difficult family environments. Maybe they are victims of poverty. Maybe they wrestle with a learning disability. Whatever the obstacle, teachers can help them. According to one study, 54% of students said they received help from their teachers during a difficult time. 
  4. Teachers teach students how to learn. Students learn much more than the alphabet and multiplication charts from their teachers. One study involving 570,000 pupils found that teachers who focused on improving their pupils’ motivation and ability to adapt to new environments saw huge benefits. Those pupils were more likely to graduate upper level school than their peers. They also were less likely to face suspensions or delays in education. 
  5. Teachers can be a support person, when a child does not have that support at home. Many children are given wonderful, supportive parents. But sometimes a child’s home life may be really difficult. A teacher can help this child and be his or her advocate.  
  6. Good teachers make their students feel loved and safe. This enables students to learn more effectively. “The science says to us that, in fact, the way the brain functions and grows, it needs safety, it needs warmth, it actually even needs hugs,” Stanford professor Linda Darling-Hammond said in an interview. “We actually learn in a state of positive emotion much more effectively than we can learn in a state of negative emotion. That has huge implications for what we do in schools.”
  7. Teachers can equip their pupils to be life-long learners. Learning to love learning— this is one of the most important skills that a teacher can pass on to his or her students. If a child learns to embrace new skills and always pursue a challenge, that child can achieve incredible goals. 
  8. Teachers are role models. Many students—around 75%— look up to their teachers as positive examples, according to one source

Teachers, YOU are impacting the next generation. You are impacting and potentially changing the world. That is why the International School Project (ISP) exists. We believe that you are some of the most influential people in society. We can empower you to have an even greater impact. We encourage teachers, equip them, and care for them.   

Together, we will change the world!

What ISP teachers are saying:

  • “I have become inspired to do all I can for the next generation.” 
  • “The model cannot be overestimated. They [ISP teachers] work in schools; they are extremely busy and yet they find time and energy to do the most important thing, that is, make a difference in people’s lives.” 
  • “I did not realize that teachers’ influence on the future of the country was so huge!” 
Learn more about how ISP equips teachers to change the world!  


Opper, I. Teachers Matter: Understanding Teachers’ Impact on Student Achievement. “Teachers matter more to student achievement than any other aspect of schooling.” link

Terada, Y. (2019). Understanding a teacher’s long-term impact. Edutopia. link

Tornio, S. (2017). 11 Surprising Statistics That Sum Up the Life of a Teacher. Changing lives every day! We Are Teachers. link

Tornia, S. (2019). 12 Powerful statistics that prove why teachers matter. We Are Teachers. link

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