
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Healthy Families

“It takes a village to raise a child,” says the old African proverb, conveying beliefs we all share. The “village” includes schools, religious organizations, and activities for sports and the arts, but parents are the primary authority in the life of a child.

Conflict Resolution

Our job includes equipping our students with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to resolve social conflicts as they arise.

A computer chasm exists for students in rural, inner-city, and international settings with limited or no computer access. A public library or school may be the only place students can access computers.

Square Peg, Round Hole

Differentiated instruction is the process of tailoring lessons to meet each student’s individual interests, needs, and strengths. Teaching this way gives students choice and flexibility in how they learn, and helps teachers personalize the learning for each child.

In 2020, an estimated “two-thirds of school-aged students around the world didn’t have internet access.” Here are some solutions for those students without access to the internet at home.

Help Shy Students

Whether they are an introvert or just a bit shy, dealing with a quiet child can be a challenge. Here are six things you can do as a teacher to reach out and make students feel more at ease in your classroom.

Responding to your principal with kindness, and seeking two-way communication that speaks their language and seeks to understand should go a long way in mending your relationship.

Having parents visit the classroom can be a great experience. It can also be nerve-wracking. Will the parents treat you as a valuable part of their child’s life or blame you for their child’s problems?

Use Time Wisely

Educators, whether you are a rookie or a seasoned veteran, ramping up your time management skills allows you to catch your breath and make the best use of your time during free periods.

Dealing with difficult co-workers adds another level of stress to your already demanding career. The following are suggestions on how to handle difficult co-workers.

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