
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Help students overcome their exam jitters and boost their confidence

Incorporating these five techniques into your instruction time will help your students overcome their exam jitters and boost their confidence.

Handling the Student Who is Not Ready to Advance

Beau is a good kid. He’s liked by his peers, respectful of authority, and fun to be around. Yet, he can’t keep up academically.

Maintaining Hope When Teaching

Teaching is difficult enough as it is, but it can be even harder when you struggle with discouragment. How do you maintain hope to make a difference?

Keeping Students Captivated

When creating your lesson plans, consider the vocabulary of your teenage students. Sprinkle in Gen Z words, emotive words, and a blend of the expected and unexpected to keep your students interested.

Help Your Students Discover Their Superpower

The “Clark” in your classroom may not turn out to be Superman, and your “Diana” may not be Wonderwoman, but each of your students does have a special superpower– something that they are good at.

Creative Ways to Teach Language Arts Students

It’s natural for kids to prefer engaging ways of learning, but often teachers find it difficult to be creative while struggling to finish the semester on schedule. So, to help you, we’ve gathered five creative ways to make language arts fun!

Life Map

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Teachers, all of your students have been asked this question. Some of them have answered with excitement, and some with dread.

Ideas for Making Math Fun

Learning basic math skills can be as dull as dishwater. These games offer a way to do both and add some fun into the process.

Ideas for Making Geography More Engaging

Teachers can easily make geography enjoyable for any age student by incorporating hands-on activities or more creative research assignments. We have gathered a few ideas for educators to implement.

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