Helpful Tips and Encouragement

Story Time

Story Time in Mrs. Duncan’s Class

Story Time in Mrs. Duncan’s Class Author: Rich Atkinson   Interview with Dr. Brenda Richards Brown Brenda sat with her head on her desk in Mrs. Duncan’s class. It was story time. The third-graders in Mrs. Duncan’s class at Travelers Rest Elementary anticipated story time. Every school day, Brenda and her classmates listened to Mrs.

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A Curriculum to Help Build Character in Elementary Students and Prepare Them for Life’s Choices.

DreamMakers-DreamBreakers Curriculum

The Boy who skipped school How one teacher, using ISP materials, helped a student turn his life around Luckson, a tech teacher in Harare, Zimbabwe, taught DreamMaker-DreamBreaker lessons on Friday afternoons to students. Luckson smiled as he described what happened after attending a DreamMaker Conference last year in Zimbabwe, his home country. In Harare, Luckson,

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Happy Sunflowers (picture by Alora Griffiths)

Is gratitude the answer when you are feeling depressed?

People in the United States celebrate their Thanksgiving holiday at the end of every November. But it will probably look vastly different this year. The pandemic squashed tradition. Even if families meet this year, some will be missing due to death and illness. Food may be less bountiful because of lost income.

But even in the midst of a pandemic, gratitude might be the best way to cope.

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Welcoming Parents to Come and Observe

Having parents visit the classroom can be a great experience. It can also be nerve-wracking. Will the parents treat you as a valuable part of their child’s life or blame you for their child’s problems?

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