A Cry for Help, Are You Listening?

Join the fight To prevent Suicide

Join the fight To prevent Suicide

  • “Globally, Every 40 seconds one person dies by suicide. That translates to 800,000 deaths annually.” (World Health Organization (who.int) Mental health.)

These statistics indicate that people are crying out for help. So how can educators help?

Teachers, administrators, and concerned individuals, you can address this crisis as the school year starts. Campaign to make a difference in your class, school, and community by helping raise awareness. 

September 10th marks World Suicide Prevent Day. Inform and educate the students in your school through lessons in your classroom or a speaker at a school assembly. 

Recognize the warning signs your students or friends might display.

A Cry For Help: Are You Listening?

Here are 12 indicators from the National Institute of Mental Health:

Those who are contemplating suicide talk about:

  • Wanting to die
  • Having tremendous guilt or shame 
  • Being a burden to others 

They may feel:

  • Empty, hopeless, trapped, or have no reason to live,
  • Extremely sad, more anxious, agitated, or full of rage.
  • Unbearable emotional or physical pain,

They might exhibit behavior changes:

  • Making a plan or researching ways to die,
  • Withdrawing from friends, saying goodbye, or giving away important items, or making a will
  • Taking dangerous risks such as driving too fast.
  • Displaying extreme mood swings,
  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
  • Using drugs or alcohol more often”
Recognize the warning signs

5 Practical steps you can take to save a life (from “Be The 1 To”)

  1. Ask
  2. Be There
  3. Keep Them Safe
  4. Help Them Connect
  5. Follow Up

You can help save a life by sharing these warning signs and 5 steps to save a life with the students in your classroom. The 5 Steps and other resources are available in Spanish also. Talk with your principal about Implementing this in your school as an annual event. 

Fight for those who have lost hope. Hang up the #BeThe1To posters  in your school or community to get the message out. You can create your own poster that addresses your specific audience by following their guidelines

Teachers and administrators, consider incorporating this Suicide Prevention planning into your school calendar every September. The life you save could be one that you know.

  • Post the suicide hotline number (800-273-8255) and text info: text Talk to 741741 in your classroom.
  • Have your students take out their cell phones and add the suicide prevention number and text info to their contact list so they can use it or share it with a friend.
  • Let your students know that you are available if they need to talk, if they are struggling with suicidal thoughts. 
  • Tell your students If a friend is struggling, don’t keep a secret. Tell a teacher, parent, help them seek help.
  • Share Suicide Prevention Resources on Social media such as #BeThe1To.


Suicide Fact Sheet:

 Websites and Helplines:  

  • National Suicide Prevention Number: 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK)

 Social Media Resources and Downloads: 


Grief Support for Survivors:


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