Taiwan Teachers Launch ISP in a New Asian Country
Escrito por Rich Atkinson
Taiwan’s virtual conference opens a new Asian country for ISP
Last summer, a kindergarten teacher from neighboring Asian country attended a virtual DreamMaker Conference in Taiwan. Since then, she has connected with kindergarten teachers all across her country. As a result, Taiwan hosted two large virtual meetings for more than 378 teachers from this new country.
Rich Atkinson
Rich began his writing career with a community paper in Ohio.
Ha trabajado para una revista. Asignaciones de viaje lo han llevado fuera del país a Haití y Guatemala. En los Estados Unidos, ha viajado a Atlanta, Boston, Milwaukee y muchos otros lugares para realizar reportajes.
Cuando no está escribiendo, Rich encuentra tiempo para leer y disfruta escuchando a autores discutir sobre escritura en podcasts y videos de YouTube.