
Students arguing

Arguments and fights can turn into teachable moments. You are teaching students how to solve problems not only in the classroom but also in the real world.

Students Can Seem Unlovable Sometimes

Sometimes students are clearly behaving poorly. How can teachers have empathy and help them behave better? We’ve compiled a few tips to help:

Alcohol & Substance Abuse Kills Students

By taking at least one hour of class each year to teach about drug prevention, you may help save the life of one of your students.

How To Encourage Kindness

Encouraging kindness among your students develops and nurtures positive qualities that change lives.

An estimated one in five students are affected by dyslexia. They may read or write letters backward and struggle with spelling and decoding problems, but with help, they can still thrive.

Handling the Student Who is Not Ready to Advance

Beau is a good kid. He’s liked by his peers, respectful of authority, and fun to be around. Yet, he can’t keep up academically.

Keeping Students Captivated

Al crear tus planes de lección, considera el vocabulario de tus estudiantes adolescentes. Agrega palabras de la Generación Z, palabras emotivas y una mezcla de lo esperado y lo inesperado para mantener el interés de tus estudiantes.

Help Your Students Discover Their Superpower

El "Clark" en tu salón de clases puede que no resulte ser Superman, y tu "Diana" puede que no sea Wonderwoman, pero cada uno de tus estudiantes tiene un superpoder especial, algo en lo que son buenos.

Creative Ways to Teach Language Arts Students

Es natural que los niños prefieran formas atractivas de aprendizaje, pero a menudo los maestros encuentran difícil ser creativos mientras luchan por terminar el semestre a tiempo. Por eso, para ayudarte, hemos recopilado cinco formas creativas de hacer que las artes del lenguaje sean divertidas.

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