Growing Disciples In Guam


Barb’s Story

At the last minute, Barb decided to attend ISP’s Movement Launch Training (MLT).  

Within days of the 2019 training, Barb and Joaline had discussed all five of the  Basic Faith conversations. The first five lessons explain how to begin, maintain, and live out your relationship with God. Within a few weeks, both finished all 14 follow-up lessons!

Barb has also completed these lessons with Velma, Brenda, and Stephanie, all teachers. The four are members of Educators For Community, the ISP group in Guam dedicated to equipping teachers professionally and spiritually.

Barb writes, “The Basic Faith Lessons have been a valuable resource. The format is perfect for a seeker or a new believer and is a springboard to deeper studies.”

She has led three women to Christ in the last few months using the Basic Faith Conversations.  Barb continues, “One woman who is 78 years old came to me to say the group study we were doing was too overwhelming and she ‘just wished there was a way we could spend time studying one on one.’”

So they did that. Barb and her friend completed the five basic lessons together, which opened the older woman’s eyes to the truth. The woman placed her faith in Christ in July and passed away suddenly in the fall.

Velma’s Story

“The conversations changed my life,” Velma said. 

After Velma finished the Basic Faith and the Continuing Faith Conversations with Barb, she prayed about asking others to go through the lessons with her. So she invited a colleague at her school to do the lessons. After Velma and her colleague finished the Basic Faith Conversations, she wanted more! So they completed the subsequent nine Growing Faith Conversations and did devotionals, and prayed together every day.  

As Velma saw dramatic changes in this teacher’s life, she realized discipleship means doing life together, supporting each other, and praying for one another. They continue to pray and study the Bible together during their break times. She says that every time she goes through them with someone, she learns more. 

Velma is now going through the conversations with her daughter and women from her colleague’s church. She says that more women are asking to be discipled.

Velma Head shot Professional
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