
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Cambodian Educators Form Nationwide Network

Recently, Cambodia has been on lockdown because of COVID-19. Yet, educators who belong to the Cambodia Teachers’ Community (CTC), a network of teachers across the country, have continued to meet online for training sessions and to encourage each other.

This year, teachers discussed Project-Based Learning, effective online teaching, and using Bloom’s Taxonomy to write learning objectives for each lesson plan.

Join the fight To prevent Suicide

“Globally, Every 40 seconds one person dies by suicide. That translates to 800,000 deaths annually.”

“In the U.S., suicide is the second leading cause of death for people age 10 thru 34.”

“In 2019, there were an estimated 1.38 million suicide attempts in the U.S. resulting in 47,511 deaths.”

“One death occurs for every twenty attempted suicides worldwide”

These statistics indicate that people are crying out for help. So how can educators help?

Put on your own oxygen mask first

Most people go into teaching to help others. Unfortunately, many teachers give and give without first making sure they have their personal resources in place. The results can be disastrous for teachers, their students, and the other people in their lives. However, by observing some basic principles of self-care, teachers can avoid many of the pitfalls that lure them into overextending themselves and burning out.

Irina and child

Irina has always loved children. Her heart for them began when, as a single woman, she adopted four children. After becoming a mother, she switched from teaching English a university to teaching English in an elementary school. 

 ”After the kids appeared in my life, I started thinking about working closer to home,” Irina said. “When my mother and father passed away, this necessity became urgent.”

Elena giving bags to teacher

Throughout the pandemic, Lena and teachers in the Moldova Teachers’ Community have looked for ways to encourage their peers and resource them with helpful tools.

Last December, community members gave teachers across the city a gift to thank them for working tirelessly through the pandemic. The gift included a facemask and a bookmark with contact information so teachers could join their online Facebook group.

School children from India

I’ve had some wonderful end-of-the-year experiences with my students, but I had one really, really bad one that prompted me to think deeply about how to end the school year well.

Moscow, Russia (picture by Artem Beliaikin)

Celebrating 30 Years Thirty years ago, in 1991, ISP launched its first teacher conference where volunteers and ISP staff presented an ethics curriculum requested by educational leaders in Russia.

School boys in class. (picture by Taylor Wilcox)

Administrators, are teachers at your school feeling overwhelmed? Are you concerned that some of them might stop teaching? If so, you are not alone. All around the world, educators deal with similar challenges. Administrators can provide a more empowering environment for their teachers and how teachers can do their part too.

Together we can stop the bullies.

The bully’s fist slammed into my face. From elementary school through high school, bullies targeted me. They choked, chased, punched, threatened, and intimidated me. As a short and skinny kid, I can remember at least nine encounters with nine different bullies. 

Keeping Students Close in an Online Classroom

Do you miss being with your students in a regular classroom? Learn ways you can use to help make up for the loss of face-to-face contact.

Valentine's day – Teacher resources

Do you remember your first crush? Why were you attracted to them? At the time perhaps it was based on something superficial, or perhaps it related to a character quality that impressed you.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we think about the quality of our romantic relationships. Everyone wants to be loved and to love others as well. 

Storyboard Lesson Plans

When I teach face-to-face, I arrive at the classroom early to prepare. This helps me to use time better because everything is ready when I need it in class. But when our university suddenly switched to online learning, I felt like a beginning teacher again.

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