
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Reasons to thank teachers

Many of us can recall a special teacher from our past who made an impact in our lives. Teachers are some of the most influential people in the world. Why is that?

Ways Teachers Can Cultivate Gratitude

November involves the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving, which focuses on gratitude. But worldwide, everyone can still experience long-term benefits from practicing gratitude.

Tips for Tackling Anxiety

Anxiety Tops the List for Teachers and Teens

Ways To Engage Students With Humor

Indulging your students in comedy can be an effective way to help pupils pay attention. An amusing comment can grab a student’s attention who might be struggling with attentiveness.

Frightened Boy – Traumas of war

Helping Students Cope with the Traumas of War Author: Lauren Craft The sound was unforgettable. Zara* was sitting in class listening to her teacher, as she did every day. Then a loud sound pierced her ears as the room shook. The cause was not immediately clear. Panic filled her veins. Students and teachers rushed outside.

Simple Ways To Blend Moral Values In Your Teaching

Simple Ways to Blend Moral Values in Your Teaching Author: Beth Lueders Learning is a process and can truly be a joy of discovery for children of all ages. As a teacher, you have the privilege of directing your students to understand new concepts and facts that they can use for good the rest of their

Respite and Rhythms of Rest

We must regularly and consistently care for ourselves. Challenge yourself to see true refreshment as a necessary part of your life.

Telling Students You Are Leaving

Ten Ways to Tell Students You’re Leaving Author: Beth Runkle “What, you’re leaving?” my students said. They had a hard time accepting the fact that I would be teaching at another school because my husband’s work had relocated my family. Students who have bonded with a teacher can face real anxiety knowing that their beloved

Taiwan teachers launch ISP in a new country

Taiwan Teachers Launch ISP in a New Asian Country Author: Rich Atkinson Taiwan’s virtual conference opens a new Asian country for ISP Last summer, a kindergarten teacher from neighboring Asian country attended a virtual DreamMaker Conference in Taiwan. Since then, she has connected with kindergarten teachers all across her country. As a result, Taiwan hosted

Albania – Marriage Retreat

Helping Teachers’ Marriages in Albania Author: Rich Atkinson In 2014, the Albanian ISP team began offering events and programs to help teachers with their personal and professional needs. In March, teachers came to one of these events, led by Albanian nationals. Sixty-five couples from seven cities across Albania went to the Mystery & Model (Blueprints) of

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