
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Students And Parents

A 2022 British Council survey found that 79 percent of parents in Wales said teachers play a vital role in society. That’s got to make teachers feel good.

When Flu Took Out the Teachers

Entering a classroom unexpectedly can cause anxiety for all involved. Children may respond with confusion, fear, or misbehavior. Use a calm voice, even if you feel nervous and uncertain. Your confidence will assure the students and set the tone for the day.

New Kid

Joining a new organization can be exciting, providing a fresh start, and hopefully, new friends. Yet, being a newcomer on an educational team also has its drawbacks.

Summer Plans

If you’re a teacher who is looking for new ideas for those months when you’re not in the classroom, try these five ideas:

Facts About Teachers

We can gain a lot of insight when we consider some of the statistics of our teachers here in the United States. Take a look at these facts from 2023 and see if anything surprises you.

Retirement Advice

Knowing when it is time to retire is not always easy. The following thoughts can help us know when it’s time to retire.

Books with Values

Protecting the innocent is a theme woven throughout the book through the characters.


Having feelings for a coworker isn’t a new problem. But deciding whether to act on these feelings can feel scary. While everyone’s situation is a little different, there are two categories that you should think about before jumping in.

Our teacher read “The Phantom Tollbooth” aloud to our class. Along the way, we gladly used our imaginations and entered into the story. We marveled at the endless wordplay.

A sudden illness or family emergency does not have to disrupt your classroom routine. Simple pre-planning can enable a substitute to step in with ease. Here are ten tips to help your substitute succeed in your absence.

Kid's Slang

With hundreds of students passing you in the school halls, you hear slang much more than parents or other adults. Rather than ignore or reject these new phrases, it’s vital to (at the very least) understand their definitions.

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