Offer spiritual appetizers!
Reflecting on Lesson 5:
As you LISTENED, what did you learn about the other person?
Did you learn anything about how being a good listener can help you be salt and light?
What opportunities did you notice to bring spiritual truth into your conversation?
God has made us SALT and LIGHT to help draw others into relationship with Him. Colossians 4:3 says, “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.”
God will open doors, so we should, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15
As you have been praying, noticing, serving, asking, and listening to your colleagues, God has been preparing an open door for you to share about your relationship with Jesus.
This week initiate a spiritual conversation with your colleagues based upon something that you have discussed with them. Ask if you could share something that has made a difference in your life. You might share the difference God makes in a particular area of your life, or your personal testimony, or the gospel.
For example, “Right now we all feel overwhelmed and worried about what’s ahead. Having a personal relationship with God and spending time with Him has really helped me with my anxiety and fears. I didn’t even know a relationship with God was possible until a few years ago. May I tell you more about that?”
There are many ways we can SHARE about Jesus. What ideas and/or tools do you have?
Additional Resources:
Tips on How to Share Your Faith

. . . but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, (Прочети повечe)
Share personally how your life has been touched by God and you have experienced God’s presence or work in your life.
Share an experience that shows the difference your relationship with God has made in your own life in the areas of…
- Family,
- patience,
- self-image,
- failure,
- success,
- money,
- relationships,
- life purpose,
- anger,
- forgiveness,
- bad habits,
- stress,
- suffering,
- injustice
Share a relevant verse from the Bible giving God’s perspective on the issue you are discussing. Share how you have experienced the reality of this truth.
- Share your personal testimony.
- Share clearly and simply so that they hear how they could begin a relationship with Christ.
- Try to connect your testimony to what you have been talking about.
- What your life was like BEFORE you came to know Jesus.
- HOW you came to know Jesus.
- What DIFFERENCE your relationship with Jesus has made in your life.
Transition to the Gospel by asking about their interest
Offer them an opportunity to talk more about these things:
- Would you be interested in hearing a little about my story?
- If you could know God in a personal way, would you be interested?
- Would you be interested in hearing how you can get to know God in a personal way?
- Would you be interested in looking at a brief app/booklet/illustration that could help explain how God relates to your life?
What Now?
Are you looking for more ways to be prepared to share how someone can know Christ?
Would you be interested in:
- Being trained in how to use “The Four Spiritual Laws” or “Knowing God Personally.”
- Learning to share the gospel message using John 3:16 as an outline
- Learning how to use online apps or the JESUS film
- Preparing your personal testimony of how you came to Christ, including the main points of the gospel.
- Some creative ways to reach out to colleagues, students and families during the Christmas season.

A webinar version of these lessons is recorded here.
- Use the password “teach” to view them.
You might also consider joining our private group on Facebook for encouragement!