
News from ISP trips that is cleared for public distribution.

Help, My First-Graders Are Out of Control!

Someone once said, “It takes a big heart to shape little minds.” If you teach a classroom full of young children, you are a hero! But do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?

Do you ever wonder how to effectively manage small people with even smaller attention spans?

Happy Sunflowers (picture by Alora Griffiths)

People in the United States celebrate their Thanksgiving holiday at the end of every November. But it will probably look vastly different this year. The pandemic squashed tradition. Even if families meet this year, some will be missing due to death and illness. Food may be less bountiful because of lost income.

But even in the midst of a pandemic, gratitude might be the best way to cope.

A Curriculum to Help Build Character in Elementary Students and Prepare Them for Life’s Choices.

The Boy who skipped school How one teacher, using ISP materials, helped a student turn his life around Luckson, a tech teacher in Harare, Zimbabwe, taught DreamMaker-DreamBreaker lessons on Friday afternoons to students. Luckson smiled as he described what happened after attending a DreamMaker Conference last year in Zimbabwe, his home country. In Harare, Luckson,

A high school English teacher in Manta, Ecuador

Going Deeper Merced, a high school English teacher in Manta, Ecuador, has met weekly with Sherry, an ISP team member who works in Quito. Merced wanted to grow personally as well as learn more English. She began participating in mentoring conversations with Sherry.  Now during their weekly Zoom meetings, Sherry coaches Merced in personal growth

Back To School

Schools look different wherever you Go With the COVID-19 crisis far from over, you might be curious to know what “back to school” looks like. What are schools doing around the world? In the Netherlands, some schools have installed plexiglass shields around students’ desks and had hand sanitizer dispensers readily available. In Australia, COVID-19 measures

Back to school tips

Back to school? 6 tips to help teachers and their students Navigating learning in the age of COVID-19 and Beyond Around the world in many countries, teachers are heading back to their classrooms this month. Here are several tips to help you navigate the “COVID-19 classroom.” Tip #1…Be Flexible– What works for one school or

How a teacher learned to listen. (Picture by Caleb Oquendo)

How a mother learned to listen to her daughter Masha, a teacher, established an indulgent parenting style with her daughter, Nadya, so they  could maintain a good relationship. She thought that by giving Nadya everything she wanted, she was being a good parent. But this parenting style produced the opposite effect. When Masha tried to

Ways teachers change the world. Picture by Ben White

Teachers – you are some of the most influential people in the world. Why? 

Mongolian Students Learn That They Need Each Other

Mongolian Students Learn That They Need Each Other Eighty teachers who came to the DreamMakers Conference also attended a one-day seminar for additional professional training. All of these teachers had five years or less of teaching experience. One of the elementary teachers enthusiastically shared she had already used lesson 10: “We Need Each Other” in

Boy from Ecuador

Flabergasted by Forgiveness What did you teach my son? I can’t believe the difference in him. He has changed so much,“ the boy’s mother expressed in bewilderment. “The only thing I can attribute it to was that lesson on forgiveness,” the teacher said. Before the boy heard the lesson on forgiveness, he and his brother did

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