The Boy who skipped school
How one teacher, using ISP materials, helped a student turn his life around

Luckson, a tech teacher in Harare, Zimbabwe, taught DreamMaker-DreamBreaker lessons on Friday afternoons to students.
Luckson smiled as he described what happened after attending a DreamMaker Conference last year in Zimbabwe, his home country. In Harare, Luckson, a tech teacher, received permission to teach a lesson from the DreamMakers-DreamBreakers curriculum every Friday to the students at his school.
A parent told Luckson that their son had been skipping school earlier in the year, and they didn’t know where he was going. Then the young man began attending Luckson’s Friday classes. Those classes helped the young man become more serious about his schoolwork.
By the end of the year, he had stopped skipping school. He was thriving in his academic courses and completing his schoolwork. The parents thanked Luckson for making such a big difference in their son’s life.
Luckson tells about being equipped by ISP to help his students. On the last day of class, at an assembly, one of the students shared his story. Listen as Luckson recounts what the boy said.
DreamMakers-DreamBreakers for Elementary Students
A Curriculum to Help Build Character in Elementary Students and Prepare Them for Life’s Choices.

African teachers gratefully receive the elementary school version of ISP’s DreamMakers-DreamBreakers curriculum.
The elementary curriculum contains 33 lessons, including
- Lesson 2: The power of Choice (making wise decisions)
- Lesson 4: Dreaming your Dreams (Overcoming obstacles)
- Lesson 18: The Best Me is Drug-Free
- Lesson 26: Responsibility: A Key to Success
“The DreamMakers-DreamBreakers curriculum addresses the needs of elementary students to build character and prepare for the challenges of life. The lessons consist of three sections: DreamMakers, DreamBreakers, and Keys to your Dreams.
The lessons for the first section include showing students how to
- set goals and achieve them
- make wise decisions
- build good character
In the second section, students learn how to avoid obstacles and temptations that would block them from achieving their dreams and goals. These dream breakers include
- drugs
- alcohol
- tobacco
In the last unit, students learn how to apply what they have learned to live a life that is both fulfilling and successful.
DreamMakers-DreamBreakers For Secondary Students
A Curriculum to Help Youth Capture Life’s Opportunities and Overcome Life’s Obstacles.

The secondary curriculum contains 33 lessons. Peruse a sampling of the topics and themes found in the six sections of the curriculum:
- الدرس ٢: تخيّل حياتك: الأحلام والعوائق
- Lesson 4: Habits That Chain; Habits that Empower
- الدرس ٧: تأثير المخدِّرات على الجسم
- الدرس ١٦: ماذا تطلب في شريك الحياة؟
- الدرس ٢٢: أخطار الانجذاب الشديد
In the introduction of the secondary curriculum, students journal their dreams and learn about
- freedom
- responsibility
- the power of habits
- community
In Unit 2, students understand the downward spiral of drug addiction.
In Unit 3, students learn how alcohol affects the body and relationships.
In Unit 4, students discuss male and female relationships, including
- facts and myths about sex
- what the students should look for in a mate
- how to prepare for a healthy marriage
In Unit 5, the students learn skills for living. Topics discussed include
- peer pressure
- infatuation
- the power of media advertising
In Unit 6, The curriculum tells about a powerful resource to resist the pull of destructive behaviors.
What are your dreams?

After the day’s events in Ecuador, Dr. Gary Stanley, one of ISP’s DreamMaker conference speakers, and Wlady, his interpreter, strike a Superman-like pose, displaying their “superpowers.”
Each of us is created with special gifts, abilities, and talents. Let’s call them “superpowers.” But to reach our full potential and fulfill our dreams, we must avoid life’s dream breakers.
Educator Reviews
From Kenya
“ISP is going to change our country,” says Prince, a teacher who understands from experience the problems youth face.
When he was ten, his parents divorced, triggering a downward spiral. He ran away, lived on the streets, and became addicted to drugs.
But Prince’s life changed through the encouragement of one teacher who believed Prince could succeed by working hard. Now, he helps children facing the same problems he had.
By teaching lessons from his own experience and the DreamMakers- DreamBreakers curriculum, Prince helps students achieve dreams and avoid obstacles. He sees a bright future for Kenya’s children.
“It has been very important for us that we now have the tools to work with children who have problems with drugs, alcohol, and sex. We are very happy with this training. Now we have a lot of work to do!”
—A psychologist from the Ministry of Health
“I have 3,000 teachers.How are we going to train them all?”
—Administrator, Ministry of Education in Ecuador
“This is a jewel treasure for our students. We have to have it.”
“The issue of crime prevention, alcoholism, and drug addiction is especially acute among the adolescents of our school. The program (DreamMakers-DreamBreakers lessons) turned out to be very timely and relevant.”
—Vera Evsyakova, deputy director for educational work of the vocational school, Nizhny Novgorod
“Your help in the fight against drug addiction is invaluable.”
—Evgrafova Lyudmila, teacher, Murmansk region
“Many parents first began talking with their children about their life plans and other topics.”
—Ishniyazova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Chelyabinsk